Why An Abundance Mindset & Infinite Patience Leads To Success With Women

Coach Corey Wayne
16 min readNov 8, 2024


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Why an abundance mindset & infinite patience leads to success with women.

In this video coaching newsletter I discuss an email from a viewer who has been following my work for five years and read 3% Man over 10 times. He shares a success story of how having an abundance mindset, talking to multiple women and being infinitely patient helped him to date and hookup with the hottest girl in class that every guy wants.

My comments are in bold italics like this below in the body of his email.

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So I got a success story. It’s Friday and I’m going to share this with you guys.

This particular emailer has been following me since he was 17. I assume he was in high school and he’s 22 now and he’s in college. So he shares he’s also read 3% Man 15 times or 10 times so far, which I mean, if he’s been following me that long, quite frankly, he should have been through it a little bit more than that, but he’s got a great success story to share because the guys that do well long term, they usually go back through the book at least once or twice a year just to keep it fresh.

Again, I say this a lot, is that whatever you observe, you participate in. So if you’re only observing traditional TV and movies, whether you realize it or not, you’re getting propagandized by dysfunctional archetypes and ways that are unnatural to men and women to act. So the things that I teach are innate, and that’s why they feel so natural when you really get it. If you’re constantly consuming dysfunctional archetypes, even if you’ve been through the book 10 or 15 times and then four or five years goes by, it’s like you’re going to slowly kind of go back to sleep partially and kind of revert because you’re going to identify.

The other thing you consider is the music, the emotions of the scene and what’s going on with the characters. You get emotionally anchored to thinking and feeling and therefore acting a certain way. So we tend to move towards things that feel pleasurable and away from things that are painful. Whether you realize it or not, when you consume this dysfunctional nonsense that’s piped into our homes and over the airwaves as media, you literally can’t help but become propagandized and emotionally anchored to dysfunctional ways of being and thinking that are incredibly inefficient and they go against our very nature and what’s innate with men and women.

So this particular guy, he shares a success story of how having an abundance mindset, talking to multiple women, not getting hung up or attached to any one particular girl until you notice that she’s really into you. He shares how he basically got the hottest girl in class who every guy is trying to date and hook up with to date and hook up with him. For me personally, what I love seeing is that, I mean I wish I would have had a book like mine in high school because there’s so many beautiful opportunities that I missed out on as I got older. Especially, I got into my early 30s and I connected all these dots. I just thought back in my life over the past 15, 20 years and all the things I missed out just because I didn’t know what the hell I was doing. So a guy like this at 17 can read my book, follow along in the videos and go through college and just be killing it on a level that was going to take me personally another 10 or 12 years. So this guy at his age is 10 or 12 years ahead of where I was in my early 30s, I think that’s pretty awesome.

The earlier you start, the more your life is going to be all about reaching your full potential and experiencing the things you’ve always dreamed of, that most people will sit and be observers of. So the more people that know this stuff and exhibit it, it influences everybody around them. They influence their friends, they influence the women, and it just presents a much better archetype for those that you surround yourself with because it’s healthy, it’s innate, and it’s natural. It feels natural when you really embody this stuff and you own it.

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Viewer Email:

Hi Corey!

Greetings from Europe!

I’ve been following your work for the past five years and read your book over 10 times. More importantly though, I’ve adapted the mindset of respecting myself and valuing my time on this planet. One can read the book a 100 times, but if they got nothing going on in their lives and they’re not applying the principles, failure is inevitable.

Well, you got to give yourself permission to fail because you learn more from failures and things that don’t work out than the successes, because the successes can make you cocky, it can kind of lull yourself to sleep, you get full of yourself. Especially when it comes to business, one of the things you always have to do in business is you always got to innovate, because if you don’t innovate, your competitors will come by and smoke your ass.

I’m lucky to have found your work as early as age 17, and after years of trial and error and learning trough experience, at age 22, I feel I’ve made great progress.

Well, success is making progress in life. So if you’re able to look, especially this guy now, he’s got five years of history of applying the stuff that’s in my books and in my videos and he sees himself making progress and starting to accelerate beyond what his peers are doing, the word lead means “To go first.” When other people see you succeeding at the highest level, you give them, whether you realize it or not, unconsciously, you give them permission and hope to go for what they want in their own lives because they see you doing it. A leader leads by example.

I still revisit your material once in a while to keep it fresh in memory.

I would say ideally once or twice a year at least, and that’s taking your time to really go through the book.

I wanted to write in a success story in the making since I think I’ve finally met and bonded with one of those ”1–3 times a decade,” women.

In early August, we met on the first day of student orientation as we both began studying law this fall. I noticed her constantly glancing my way so I walked over and we started talking. The conversation was flowing and within two hours she was playing with my ear and rubbing my thigh.

They’re not even on a date. They just met in class. It’s kind of like an instant date happened.

As she was looking at my lips, I went in for the kiss.

No date. He didn’t even have to ask her out. Attraction is not a choice. He sees her, she sees him. He doesn’t do anything stupid or unattractive, so her attraction and her interest grows.

Interestingly enough, she didn’t kiss me back straight away and she whispered, ”Not on the first day.” I teased her about it and just hanged back. Less than half an hour later, I had lipstick all over my face.

That’s because he was unattached, he was indifferent, he could take it or he could leave it, he didn’t get butt-hurt, he wasn’t upset. Probably just offered the James Bond smirk. The little smile that Daniel Craig has been so great at, and what happens? Woman says, “No way I’m sleeping with you. I would never date you if you’re the last guy on Earth,” and he just smirks at her. The little side smile which says, “I’ve heard that like a thousand times before,” and what happens later in the evening? She’s in bed with him. She says, “Not on the first date,” but yet half an hour later, she’s all over him and he’s got lipstick all over his face.

On the first week, we had an event every night. I made a lot of friends and therefore talked to many other girls too. Every night at some stage she would put herself in my orbit so I really didn’t have to work at all and unsurprisingly, the indoor Olympics happened later that week.

I’m shocked!

See how easy that is? I mean, this is natural. This is the way things are supposed to work. When two people like each other, when you consume all this bullshit that’s on TV and the movies, it just gets in the way of what’s natural and beautiful between human beings.

During the first few weeks, we saw each other a lot but I kept the the vibes playful and let her do almost all the pursuing since her attraction was 7–8. However, during a dinner event one night, she pulled me to the side and said she thinks we’re moving too fast and that she’s not ready for anything serious.

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You’re going to be indifferent. You’re not going to be bothered, you’re not going to be upset, you’re not going to be alarmed. You’re going to be amused. You’re going to be enchanted. Again, the smirk, “We’ve all heard it before, right?” And then what happens?

I kept being playful and polite, but pulled back a little: I didn’t attend as many gatherings and didn’t initiate texting either. I went on a couple of dates with other girls.

So what happened was they met and this girl is probably hooking up with this guy faster than anybody she’s ever met, and it’s moving fast, and she’s a little freaked out about it because it’s happening so quickly. Emotionally, it feels right, but mentally, this doesn’t seem right. It’s never happens like this.

Needless to say, One day I got the ”Heeeyy,” text…

It’s like, women all over the world, they do the same shit, which is amazing. They could be speaking a different language, “Heyyy,” in their other language.

…From the girl in my class and set up a date.

So she basically, “We’re moving too fast.” It’s like, all it means is, “I’ll just pump the brakes a little bit. I’m not going to get mad. I’m not going to get butt-hurt, I’m not going to be alarmed, I’m amused, I’m enchanted, and it’s my signal to make sure I’m talking to some other ladies, because maybe there’s another girl who I click with, maybe even on a better level,” because these things tend to go in twos and threes when you meet one like this. Shortly thereafter, you meet one or two more. That’s always been like that.

It’s just like getting a speeding ticket. You get one speeding ticket and it seems like you get one or two more shortly thereafter, and then you go years without any infractions. It’s just kind of weird how the universe works. You go through a dry spell, then you meet one girl and then another girl, and then another girl within a matter of days or a couple of weeks, and if you’ve done the work ahead of time, as Confucius said, “Success depends upon prior preparation, and without said preparation there is sure to be failure.” He spent five years practicing the material, so when he meets this girl, it’s just easy and effortless. She’s feminine. Energy is chaos. She’s freaking out a little bit about how she feels and how things are moving, and he just goes and spends time with other girls and other people. He’s not alarmed. He knows you’ll be back. The kitty cat will return when it misses him.

We did the three H’s and from there her attraction has been rising steadily for the past month. Once again the state of abundance has helped me navigate trough this whole process and it feels great to be sleeping with perhaps the most beautiful girl in our class.

Well, it’s your birthright, my man. This is how it’s supposed to be. It’s not supposed to be a once in a lifetime event or something. That just never happens. Or that only happens in the movies. If you know what you’re doing, you get your shit together, your game is tight and you’re totally in your masculine, you will make women fall at your feet and turn her into butter. They’ll be putty in your hands in a good way.

Obviously she has a lot of other guys hitting on her, but in the early 20s age bracket, there’s not much competition for a 3%er.

I mean, this guy’s been practicing this for five years.

Whether this evolves into a relationship or not isn’t my main focus.

Remember, as the book says, your job is just to create an opportunity for sex to happen. Hang out, have fun while you’re hanging out, and hook up when the signs are there that she’s ready to be touched, ready to be kissed, ready to be seduced. It’ll be easy and effortless, and it’ll feel totally natural. This is what makes your confidence as a man explode.

I’m living my purpose and having great experiences thanks to your work and my own efforts to improve.

Once again thank you for the work you do!


P.S., TRUMP 2024!

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For those of you guys, we got to vote. We got to get your ass off the fucking couch. What’s interesting is, women tend to vote more than men. So if you’re watching this, you need to move your fucking ass and come Election Day, you need to go vote. You don’t get what you deserve in life. You only get what you negotiate. If you sit on your ass, I can’t remember who said it, but the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. Part of the problem with elections is men just typically don’t move their ass and vote. So if you care about the country and you want to have good people running the country and not a cackling fool, get off your ass and go vote, because it does matter. If we have enough people voting and the margin for victory is big enough, then whatever kind of cheating, shenanigans or fraud that’s going on, it happens in every election, but it’s just too much to make up with fraud. So move your ass and go vote!

I’ve been ride or die with Trump since he came down that escalator in June. I’ve talked about the COVID stuff. Wasn’t happy about that at all. He turned the country over to Fauci and Birx and the rest of these ass clowns, but I’m really excited about Bobby Kennedy getting involved. Really super excited about Elon Musk getting involved. It’s like a once in a lifetime opportunity to really shrink the government and get rid of a lot of incompetent people that don’t belong there that are just gumming up the works and getting in the way and making life hell for the rest of us. So move your ass!

If you guys haven’t already signed up for our paying Members Only content, in the description of this video, there are links to where you can join on YouTube to consume our exclusive Members Only content, or you can watch it on or listen to it on Spotify if you prefer Spotify. Ideally, we would love it if you would consume the Members Only content on our website UnderstandingRelationships.com. Just click the “plans” tab at the top of your screen on any page when you get there.

On the website, we’ve got a 7-day free trial, so you can check out what kind of content you get for your money, or I should say, what extra content you get for your money. You can do a monthly plan or an annual plan. If you choose an annual plan, you also get a 25% discount for paying the whole year up front. What you get is you get five additional paid Members Only video newsletter similar to this one. Obviously on the website you get the email analysis, but if you just want to watch videos or just listen, I would say if you only want to watch videos, YouTube is good for that. Spotify is good for that. If you like to just listen to them, I’d say Spotify is probably your best bet. It’s going to give you the best experience because of the paywall that’s on YouTube, you really can’t. If you’re screen goes to sleep, the video will stop playing and I don’t have any control over that. That’s just the way YouTube’s system works.

We also do a weekly a class on 3% Man, and we have a weekly class on Mastering Yourself, where we literally go page-by-page in both books. Like I said, it’s a weekly class. We get to the end of the book, we start over, we go back. We’re going to be having viewer questions that people send in where they ask a specific page or paragraph in the book and ask for clarification or examples or whatever. So it’s like an ongoing weekly class that we really go in depth in both what’s in 3% Man and what’s in Mastering Yourself. So definitely go sign up to our Members Area. Again, you can do this 7-day free trial. It doesn’t cost you anything and you can see what you get for your money. Plus you get access to obviously all the other hundreds of videos that we got that are Members Only on the website. They’re also on YouTube and on Spotify, and we also do the full viewer questions podcast.

Sometimes we do special videos. Like a couple of weeks ago, we published one on the Menendez Brothers Trial, that was a really interesting one. The girls were really into that, so that was pretty fascinating to learn all this stuff. That was part of the case that I never heard back in the late 80s, early 90s when this incident happened and went to trial. Especially now with Twitter and the fact that most people don’t really trust the media and seeing how much they constantly lie and misrepresent things and take clips out of context, like the most recent one, like the 60 minutes where they changed some of the answers or edited some of the answers of Kamala Harris to make her look better. I mean, this is supposed to be a news organization, so these guys are trying to get her elected, and they’re committing fraud in the news. They’re selectively editing clips to make her answer look better than it was. I think Donald Trump is now suing CBS for like $10 billion or something like that. When they do stuff like that, then they’re shocked that we don’t believe their media anymore. It’s like you destroyed your credibility with constant lying.

Just like I said, the Menendez thing. There’s so many other things in the case that I never heard and I never knew about, extenuating circumstances and testimony from other relatives and family members. If all that stuff had been broadcasted in the 80s and the 90s, I think the public’s perception would have been completely different. What’s amazing now, versus like when I was young, I was basically a kid back then, is how different my perception is of reality, and it just makes you look back in history and go, “What else is bullshit? What else didn’t actually happen that the media has told us was what happened?” I mean, that’s kind of crazy to think about that. You know, history is written by the victors, but how much of what we believe about what’s going on in historical events over the course of our lives is true, and how much of it is bullshit. That’s just amazing to me.

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That’s what I love about Twitter. I’ve seen Joe Biden and post his stuff on Twitter, and then within an hour or two, it gets community noted and called out with links and proof that what they tweeted was total BS and then they take it down. In the past, they would put that stuff up and nobody in the media fact checks everything because they’re all pretty much Democrats and they’re trying to help their side win. You can’t solve problems in the world unless you can talk openly and honestly about them. If the media is mass lying to people, because they’re biased, because they’re trying to help their team win, that’s just unconscionable. They’re getting what they deserve. I mean, Jeff Bezos just came out with The Washington Post and said, “We’re not endorsing anybody. On top of that, we’re going to hire conservative opinion people,” because they’ve realized that despite all the propaganda and all the hysteria in the media, the majority of the country supports Trump. Isn’t that interesting? So what they’re all coming to realize is that most of the people are just tuning them out. They’re not even listening to them or giving any credibility to the stuff that they claim, because so many times they’ve pushed hoaxes like the Russia collusion hoax. I mean, if you looked at the Durham investigation, the Horowitz investigation, even the, who’s the guy? The former FBI guy. The special counsel, the Mueller investigation. There’s nothing there. It was all Hillary Clinton’s campaign. She hired former British intelligence agent, Christopher Steele, and he put this BS dossier with all kinds of unverified stuff and the media presented it like it was the truth. Then you got all these people like Brennan and Comey, who was the former director of the FBI, knowing that it was all BS, and Barack Obama, Joe Biden, they just pushed the lie, even though it’s documented that they all knew what the truth was, and they just looked the other way because hey, they were trying to help Hillary win. They didn’t care about lying. They thought they were doing the right thing by lying because we couldn’t handle the truth. That’s just unconscionable.

If you’re trying to make intelligent, informed decisions and all you’re being or getting is propaganda and BS, it’s just so disappointing to find out. So I think one of the greatest things that Elon Musk will be remembered for is the fact that he bought Twitter and he opened it up, because if you want to understand what’s going on in the world, that’s the best place to be. That’s the best place to get credible information, and things that are posted on there that turned out to be BS, it gets community noted. So it’s like the mass of people that are on there can call the people out in the media when they post their hoaxes, and then they take the stuff down, whereas before it would just get pushed and that’s all we hear and we end up believing bullshit. Anyways, I digress. Thanks for listening to my little rant. Go sign up for our Members Only content!

So, if you’ve got a question or a challenge and you’d like to get my help, go to UnderstandingRelationships.com, click the Products tab at the top of your screen on any page, and book a coaching session with yours truly. Until next time, I will talk to you soon.



Coach Corey Wayne
Coach Corey Wayne

Written by Coach Corey Wayne

Life & Peak Performance Coach. I Teach Self-Reliance. Subscribe To My Newsletter To Read My eBooks “3% Man” & “Mastering Yourself” Free: http://bit.ly/CCWeBooks

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