My Ex Threw A Brick Through My Windshield. Should I Want Her Back?

Coach Corey Wayne
16 min readDec 13, 2024


Photo by iStock/JackF

Why it’s not a good idea to want a violent ex back even if you love them.

In this video coaching newsletter I discuss an email from a viewer who got a tire blowout on the way home. He called his girlfriend to come get him and she told him to call someone else. He called her 16 year old son who came to get him. She then showed up angry, said they were done and threw a brick through his windshield. He threw one through her back car window. She drove off and blocked him everywhere. He’s been apologizing and wonders if she will come back. My comments are in bold italics like this below in the body of his email.

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Hi, I’m Coach Corey Wayne and this is my Video Coaching Newsletter. And the topic of today’s Newsletter is going to be, “My Ex Threw A Brick Through My Windshield. Should I Want Her Back?”

Well, today’s a Jerry Springer-esque style video newsletter. So this actually apparently happened and this guy is considering wanting this woman back. And if you look back at their history, which I’ll get into in a second, she’s always been kind of difficult. And it sure appears just by the way she treats him, that he’s probably a little soft, a little squishy. She treats him like a doormat.

She pushes him around and he’s kind of drunk on his feelings and his emotions, and it just looks like he’s just too timid and afraid to stand up to her. And so basically what happened is he’s driving home one night, has a blowout, a tire blows out in his car. And normally you would think, “Oh. I’ll call my girlfriend. She’ll come pick me up because she loves me.” Right? Well, he calls her and she basically calls somebody else. I don’t want to be bothered.

So he calls her 16 year old son, and he has a good relationship with her son, and he comes to pick him up and help him. And so she shows up shortly thereafter, cusses him out, says they’re done. Throws a brick through his windshield. And then he decides to throw the brick through her back windshield to get her back. She drives off, blocks him everywhere. He’s been apologizing ever since. Keep in mind, she was the first one to show up and cause a scene and altercation.

But I mean, at the end of the day, he threw a brick through her back windshield. And he’s like, “Hey, will she come back, coach?” And it’s the kind of question where you’re like, common sense really isn’t that common. Why would you want somebody like this back? I mean, everybody watching this is going, “Bro, what are you thinking?” Because things just tend to escalate from there.

And the only thing that women like this learn to understand is setting and enforcing healthy boundaries. In other words, if it was me in this situation, that kind of thing happened, that would be it for me. I would never call or text her again for any reason. Even if she reached out. As far as I was concerned, she’d be dead to me. I would never want anything to do with her. Because if you take somebody like this back, they got away with becoming violent.

Photo by iStock/stevecoleimages

And anybody that knows, or has friends, family in law enforcement or knows anything about what those guys have to deal with, the most dangerous calls they go on are always the domestic violence calls. You guys have probably heard me talk about the Hialeah divorces that tend to go on in South Florida.

Murder Suicides are like pretty much almost a nightly occurrence in Hialeah for whatever reason, it’s just constant stuff where somebody’s cheating, the guy finds out, or vice versa, shots are exchanged. It’s like it just never ends well. When getting involved with somebody who thinks it’s okay to throw a brick through your windshield tells me that Dad didn’t do a good job on her. She had no chill.

Even if she even had a father in her life. We see these kind of videos on Twitter all the time. People getting mad that they got the wrong sauce with their fast food, and they go on a rampage and just absolutely destroy a Taco Bell or a McDonald’s or some other fast food place because they’re pissed off about they didn’t get enough extra sauces or Ketchups, or they didn’t fill their Coca-Cola was filled all the way to the top, or their food was cold. Whatever happened.

Something got left out accidentally and people just go berserk. When you see people behaving like that, it’s because the Dad didn’t do a good job. Dad wasn’t there to calm them down when they were little kids, and so they were allowed to go bananas. There was a video, earlier this week, a little girl, it looked like it was in a Whole Foods, if I’m not mistaken. I don’t know, she’s like six, seven years old. She’s gone on a temper tantrum. She’s throwing shit everywhere, breaking things, throwing shit.

Brand new champagne bottles on the floor and just breaking them all over the place. And you got some idiot woman going, “Oh, don’t. Don’t reprimand her. We don’t know what she’s been through.” In other words, just let the kid go ahead and destroy and cause thousands of dollars worth of damage to stuff that’s not hers. And I don’t think anybody knew whose kid it was. The kid was just in there throwing a temper tantrum.

Maybe Mom was somewhere else in the store, but you see things like that, and you got women going, “Oh, yeah. Just let her work it out of her system.” Basically, it’s like, hello? That’s what happens when you don’t have a strong Father in the household. Because Dad ain’t going to tolerate that. That’s embarrassing. Number one and number two, if that’s my daughter picking that shit up, it’s like I’m picking her up and we’re going outside.

Photo by iStock/Antonio_Diaz

Not that that ever, ever would happen, but, you know, because I’ve always been been good with kids when I’ve been a stepdad. It’s like, never, ever had any problems like that. But that’s what happens when kids don’t feel loved. They’re oftentimes neglected. If the Dad’s not even around, and the kid learns that they can throw a temper tantrum and the Mother tries to be a pleaser and basically enables the behavior.

And so by the time somebody is an adult and they think it’s okay when they get mad at you just to pick up a brick and throw it through your windshield. It’s like, yeah, that’s just, that’s just not somebody you should be in a relationship with. Because if you take her back, there’s no consequences. Women like this should learn that if they do this, if they lose their cool, then those people aren’t going to want anything to do with them. That’s the only thing really, that’s going to change her behavior.

That and ended up in jail, obviously. And even then, that doesn’t always cause people to correct their behavior. So for your own safety and your own sanity, when somebody goes bananas like this, it’s really not a good idea to want them back or to take them back. But this dude seems to be a glutton for punishment, and he’s only focused on how he feels about her and is just not paying attention to the situation.

Because probably he doesn’t really respect himself as a man, and he’s probably in a scarcity mindset, worried about or thinking he’s not going to find anybody else like to date. That’s why a lot of people don’t leave their relationships. They’re terrified of the unknown. They’re terrified of finding somebody else or worried that they won’t find anybody else.

But people that are good students that take care of themselves, that are successful, that are relatively fit and in shape and obviously understand 3% Man, you’re going to have a lot more choices and a lot more options and things are going to go better. And I mean, it should be common sense that you just don’t get involved with somebody like this. But it’s pretty clear there were some signs that she wasn’t, in other words, the elevator didn’t go all the way to the top floor.

Photo by iStock/RealPeopleGroup

Viewer Email:

Hey Coach,

On September 29, 2024, I was headed home and suffered a tire blow out on my vehicle, so I reached out to my girlfriend, who said to call someone else, so I contacted her son, who is age 16 and has taken a liking to me and he tried to wake her up to rescue me, and after she continued to refuse.

What a sweet woman. I’m not getting out of bed. I’m tired. Call somebody else.

He decided to take her car keys and come to my rescue. After, we were done fixing the car, she got a ride to our location and slapped her son and threw a brick at my windshield.

What a great Mom.

Damaging it so I retaliated and threw it back at her rear window, shattering it.

Yeah, the front windshield is gonna crack, but it’s got a coating that typically it’s not going to go through. But the back windshield, it’ll go, “poof.” Just like it’ll go through the side windows. Because that’s just tempered glass typically. And it’s meant to shatter into little pieces. But the good news is if somebody throws a brick through your window, hey, just like the commercials.

“Safelite repair, Safelite replace.” They do a good job. But imagine the dude comes out and he’s like, “What happened?” “Oh. Girlfriend got a little heated the other night. Threw a brick through my windshield.” “Oh. All right. Well, hopefully you guys worked it out.” “Well, she blocked me everywhere. We’re not talking right now. But I did throw one back and went through her back windshield, so I got her back.”

She said we were done before throwing the brick and after the incident she drove off.

So she said, “We’re done.” And then proceeds to throw a brick through his windshield. That tells me she doesn’t respect him. She doesn’t fear losing him. She doesn’t really care what he thinks. And this just happened to be in it. So obviously she wasn’t that happy with him to begin with. That’s kind of unusual.

Photo by iStock/chanakon laorob

“Babe, I had a blowout. Don’t worry. The car didn’t wreck. I was able to pull over and maintain control of the vehicle, so nothing bad happened. But, hey, can you come pick me up.” “Ah fuck you. Go call somebody else.” Calls her son, she gets a ride there, Shows up with a brick or was a brick on the side of the road. It’s like, what the hell? Is she a member of Antifa? What the hell’s going on?

She immediately blocked me everywhere. After a week, I sent her an email apologizing for damaging her window and asked her to apologize, so we could continue together, but she responded with a smiling emoji and probably blocked me on email.

Passive aggressive behavior. Just like, “Yeah, I’m going to punish you until I’ve decided you suffered enough. And then maybe I’ll reach out to you.” So loving, so sweet. Just what every man wants as a stocking stuffer this Christmas holiday season. A girl who throws a brick through your windshield. That’s true love. She really loves you. She’ll throw a brick through your windshield.

I then waited one more week and had a mutual friend send a message to her asking her to unblock me so we could communicate, and she replied, “Nah, I’m good.”

So she shows up, behaves that way. And what does he do? He runs after her like a little pussy, groveling and begging for her attention and validation. Granted, he shouldn’t have thrown a brick through her window, but he should have never reached out in the first place. It’s like why? Why? It’s like two petulant eight year olds.

I have now been in No Contact, since October 12th and broken up for a month.

Maybe he means October 12th because the event happened on the 29th of September. So I think he messed up that we’ll just say it’s October 12th, because that’s the only thing that makes sense, because he did wait two weeks.

A little background is that I matched with this woman on Tinder in 2020 and she was emotionally unavailable.

So probably he didn’t get enough strokes from Mom and Dad as a kid. So when he met her and she was emotionally unavailable and cold and distant, he thought, “There’s a chance. I can get her.” So he didn’t get the love that he wanted that felt normal to him. So he kept pursuing. Kept trying to get the love and affection from somebody that wasn’t interested in giving it to him.

So after a few dates with no affection, I rejected her request to be just friends as I learned from The Coach. Fast forward to 2022, she reached out again wanting to continue the friendship as she thought I was “chill”, and I again rejected her request. Finally in June 2024.

So another two years. So this is like a four year process to get out of friend zone.

Photo by iStock/Deagreez

She reached out and we dated, and I led the way. Sex has been fantastic.

Because she’s crazy. Obviously. Sex with crazy girls is amazing. I, you know, got experience in that. Not nobody throwing bricks through my window. Nothing like that, but just kind of crazy, overly emotional behavior. The crazy ones that get upset easily at the drop of a hat. They’re incredible in bed. But man, it’s like, Hell on high wheels, Man. Heel in high heels.

Sex has been fantastic and I actually grew to love this woman.

Maybe these guys deserve each other. Why, why, why would you even consider this?

I know she has feelings for me as well, because she expressed love for me and called me her everything.

Yeah, you’re her everything. So she threw a brick through your windshield and blocked you everywhere. But she knows you’re going to hang around like a little puppy dog, and so she’s gonna abuse you and mentally torment you and ignore you. And then maybe in a few weeks, she’ll reach back out, you guys will have great makeup sex, and then the process will start all over again. Slapping her 16 year old son when he did a good thing is just, that poor kid will probably date a woman that’s just like her. It’s just a bad way to go. It’s just a bad scene all around. Highly inappropriate behavior.

She even became a vegan for me.

Ah, maybe that makes it a little bit more sense. So he’s a little cucked. He must be a Kamala supporter. Or he’s riding with Biden. Just a scientist Corey. Don’t you know anything?

She’s 36 and I’m 37. Do you think she will reach out to me?

Thank you Coach!

Well, I mean, if we look at her track record, in 2020, it took two years. She reached out in 2022. She tried to friend zone you again. Two years later, she reached out. And then you started dating. Probably won’t take two years, but current events form future trends, so ideally you should stay in No Contact and never contact her again for any reason. If you were smart, you would block her everywhere and want nothing to do with her and apply what you’ve learned in The Book to meet somebody that’s actually sane.

Photo by iStock/Deagreez

But maybe you’re both nuts and so you guys deserve each other. I wouldn’t put up with this, but you do, you Boo Boo. I got friends, some guys that I know, former Special Forces dudes, they like women. They’re very calm. And their girls are just kind of a little nuts. And they like that. They’re a little bit of a masochist. And it’s like, Corey, I’m kind of a masochist. I like a little bit of pain every now and then. It’s like, I love you, Bro, but you’re fucking nuts. Whatever. Different strokes for different folks.

I’m not here to judge. I’m just saying it’s, you know, this is just the kind of behavior that ultimately escalates. And I don’t want to see you guys in the news eventually. I mean, do you guys live in Hialeah? Maybe, I don’t know,. Hialeah Divorces. You guys in South Florida, it’s like, you know what I’m talking about. If you watch the news, “It’s a Murder Suicide tonight in Hialeah.” Hialeah Divorce. Almost a nightly occurrence here in South Florida.

Where the Florida Man Runneth Wild. All up and down the state, we got Alligators and Anacondas, Poisonous Snakes, all kinds of things that’ll eat you. Sharks. It’s like the Wild, Wild West out here in some places. But hey, that’s what you want. But I personally wouldn’t get involved with something like this. I’d be blocking her and want nothing to do with her and move on with your life. That’d be better for you. And that’s really the only thing that’s going to help her make corrective behavior.

But more than likely, there’s probably ten other dudes that are willing to line up to get a shot at her box, and they don’t care. Just like you didn’t care. So I wouldn’t mess around. But, you know, you’re more than likely you’re probably going to do it anyways. If she reaches out, you’ll be excited. You’ll have great makeup sex until the next blow up until the next incident, which might even escalate even more. Again, this is it’s just a bad way to go because you staying with her enables her behavior.

It teaches her that this is okay because no matter what she does, no matter what kind of crazy shit she does, slapping her son in front of you like that when he’s helping you out, and then throwing a brick through your windshield and then driving off saying, we’re done. It’s like, Come On, Man, have some self-respect, seriously. I see it all the time. You want a girl who’s easygoing, easy to get along with, and who’s nice to you.

Photo by iStock/LightFieldStudios

This is not nice behavior. This is emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically abusive. So if she slapped her son, I would venture to guess probably she’s coldcocked him a few times since they’ve been together. But maybe, he likes that shit. Maybe he likes to get slapped around by his girl. I don’t know, maybe he’s a vegan, so maybe she gets the strap on out and gives it to him. It’s like, whatever, man you do, you Boo Boo.

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Coach Corey Wayne
Coach Corey Wayne

Written by Coach Corey Wayne

Life & Peak Performance Coach. I Teach Self-Reliance. Subscribe To My Newsletter To Read My eBooks “3% Man” & “Mastering Yourself” Free:

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