I Was On A Date & A Girl I’m Seeing Was On A Date With Another Guy. Our Next Date Is In 2 Days!

Coach Corey Wayne
10 min readJul 2, 2024


Photo by iStock/RealPeopleGroup

What you should do if you’re on a date & another girl you are seeing in a few days is also on a date.

In this video coaching newsletter I discuss an email from a viewer who was on a date with a new girl. A little while later another girl he’s been on two dates with so far and will see again on Friday walks in while on a date with a guy and they sat next to him. They made eye contact and he almost chocked on his food. It was funny and awkward. He asks my opinion. My comments are in bold italics like this below in the body of his email.

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So this guy is on a date with his new girl. This is crazy. What are the odds of this happening? I’ve had some similar ones in the past, but usually it’s the dude with the girl or vice versa. It’s never both of them. So this guy is at a restaurant, I think having dinner or drinks or whatever with this girl he’s on a date with. Then in walks another girl he’s been out with twice, and she’s with a different guy and literally sits down next to them at the next table. He has a date with this other girl in two days. So they made eye contact and he said he almost choked on his food. So that’s kind of funny.

This is kind of a fun email. Interesting situation here, so there’s no reason there’s no way she can get pissed at him and there’s no way he can get upset with her because again, he only had two dates with her so far, so it’s clear he’s got options, she’s got options and you got to each meet at least one of the other’s options.

Photo by iStock/Jacob Wackerhausen

Viewer’s Email:

Hey Coach,

I emailed you last week about rescuing a situation where a girl gave the cheek while being physical during our first two dates. Well, I decided to give her a shot. She reached out and wanted to see me more often. I gave her a last-minute decision. Offered to go to the park by my house when I just got back home from work. She showed up. She pulled out a spicy lipstick and told me shes into intense sensation that it provides.

I assume that’s the lipstick that stings. It irritates the lips and blows them up a little bit. I personally hate that shit because it makes my lips numb. I don’t like it, so I don’t like it when a girl I’m dating puts that shit on, but whatever. It does make their lips puff out a little bit, but for kissy poo, it’s a party foul in my opinion. I don’t like it, should be banned. Banned from the land of Corey Wayne, but hey, if you guys are into it…

I responded with, “Woah, that’s a bit over the top. How could I even get myself to kiss someone with that?”

Exactly. “Yeah, make sure you wipe that shit off your lips before you bring them over here to kiss my beautiful, sensitive lips.”

She responded with, “Don’t think about it and just go for it.” I obliged and we ended up making out right there on the spot. Mission accomplished.

Well, now that his lips are numb and stinging like he’s had too many lip injections. Botox, blown his lips up.

I even see some guys that do that. There’s a plastic surgeon that has an office, and I see him and his girls, and they all look like they’ve had too much plastic surgery. Everybody that works there, it’s like they look like a bunch of fucking porcelain dolls. I see the people coming in and out of there, they get the fish lips. It’s so unattractive. Just go with what’s natural. Just does not look good. He says, “But wait, Coach, there’s more! Just pay additional shipping and handling and you get the second half of the story.”

Well, it doesn’t end there. We decided to stop on the way back to our cars and get some food. While at the establishment another girl that I’ve went on two dates…


…Walks in with her OTHER date and sit right next to us, two feet away.

Oh, what a coinkydink! How interesting.

I was in the middle of saying something to my date and when I locked eyes with girl #2, lost my train of thought. Girl #1 sees my face and looks at girl #2.

Photo by iStock/dashek

Can you imagine? She knows something’s up.

I almost choked on my food from the laughter and awkwardness of the situation.

We both pretended like we don’t know each other. Girl #2 and her date didn’t stay longer than 15 minutes and ended up getting her their food boxed up.

“Let’s get out of here. This guy I’m going out to see Friday, he’s next to me on a date with somebody else.”

Girl #1 ended up ripping my clothes off in my car and we ended up having sex right there by the park.

Naughty! Well, maybe she kind of picked up on that there was another girl or some history. Well, he did say he acted like they didn’t know each other, so she probably felt something was a little off. So she thought, she’ll make it worth your while, so you get a little action in the back seat of the car.

It was glorious, but she hit me with, “What does this mean about our relationship?” I responded that, “Let’s take it slow, in an event a week later you realize that you don’t actually like me as much.”

Why would you say that? “Let’s take it slow. In the event a week later, you realize that you don’t actually like me as much.” What kind of fucking statement is that? How can you talk about yourself that way? “Well, you’re probably not going to like me as much in a week.” Come on, dude. Come on.

You got to think about, before you open your mouth, and this is right from the book, is what I’m about to say or do going to make me look more masculine and attractive or weak and unattractive? That statement is just presuppose that she’s going to like you less. I would just said, “Hey, let’s take it slow and see where it goes, but so far it’s looking pretty good, and I do like you naked on top of me, bouncing up and down. Yes, I like that very much.”

I still have a date that I set with girl #2 at the beginning of the week for Friday. Two days from now. I’m sure, it will be a really fun day to talk about encounter in the wild.

So if she brings up, “So I saw you. Who was that girl you were with?” It was like, “It was a deepfake. It wasn’t me. It’s just somebody who look like me. Honestly, I’m an innocent child of God.” Remember, whoever’s asking the question is the one in charge of the conversation. “By the way, who was that gentleman that you were with?” Just turn it around on her. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

My question is, what do I do, in the event something like this happens again but the girl acknowledges me and decides to exchange words?

Your student,


Photo by iStock/FG Trade Latin

“I’m an innocent child of God. I don’t know what you’re talking about. I think you have me confused with somebody else.” What is she doing? Is she trying to cock block you or clam slam you or whatever? If she brings it up and starts busting your balls like, “I can’t believe you’re on a date with somebody.” “Well, I can’t believe you’re on a date with somebody else. Why would you show up and try to clam slam me when I’m trying to get some action? I didn’t cock block you, and your date is like, ‘Hey.’ It’s got to be some give and take. By the way, you look really hot in those jeans tonight.” Just focus on you. Hang out, have fun, hook up.

You got a show her that you’re not butt-hurt. Most importantly, you got to show that you’re not worried about losing her approval. Women in a situation like this, they might try to intimidate you with that and try to make you feel guilty, but make sure you just flip it right around and turn it back on her. Remember, whoever is asking the questions is the one running the conversation. A good way, especially in something like this, is to answer a question with another question and change the subject quickly. He’s like, “Oh, you’re dodging. I don’t know what you’re talking about. It’s a deepfake.” What is the Joe Biden one? They didn’t call it a deepfake. They called it something else. There was a video of Joe Biden doing something and they were saying, “Oh, it’s fake.” No, he looked like he was shitting his pants in public. Looked like he was shitting his diaper. It’s like, come on.

This is funny. I would say more than likely you’re going to probably fuck girl #2 on your date on Friday. Of course, we expect to have full details sent to us so we could potentially go through it in another video newsletter. If you bang both of these girls, which quite frankly you should, what a great success story. “I slept with all those girls. I was on a date with one and another one I was dating shows up when she’s on a date with somebody else.” Man, this can only help you. This is nothing but upside. What a funny story. I want to hear what the conclusion is of this. Did you sleep with girl #2 on Friday? So that’s two different girls in the same week. That’s epic. That’s great.

That’s the kind of thing when your sons are teenagers and they’re old enough, you can tell them that story. “Don’t tell your mother I told you this!” Then of course, they can’t keep their mouth shut, it’s like, “I don’t know what they’re talking about. Gentlemen, don’t kiss and tell. I think that’s an urban legend, honey. I think they’re just messing with you. The boys are just messing with you. I don’t know what you’re talking about.” “Yeah, whatever.” Then you can go to your boys like, “Wait, operational security. You’re not supposed to tell on dad when I share something in confidence with you. What’s up with that? Bros before hoes. Come on. Don’t tell your mom anything. You just have fun. It’s not a big deal.” Don’t let it get under your skin. Answer a question with a question. Dodge, weave, smile, crack jokes, don’t take it seriously because there’s no reason for you to get upset, bothered, perturbed, worried or intimidated. The only thing you guys should be doing, you and girl #2, is laughing your asses off on your date on Friday, and then fucking each other’s brains out later on in the evening. That’s a great story. Thanks for sharing.

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So, if you’ve got a question or a challenge and you’d like to get my help, go to UnderstandingRelationships.com, click the Products tab at the top of your screen and book a coaching session with yours truly. Until next time, I will talk to you soon.



Coach Corey Wayne

Life & Peak Performance Coach. I Teach Self-Reliance. Subscribe To My Newsletter To Read My eBooks “3% Man” & “Mastering Yourself” Free: http://bit.ly/CCWeBooks