How Corey Wayne Helped Me Land The Woman Of My Dreams!

Coach Corey Wayne
21 min read2 days ago


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Viewer success story on how Corey Wayne helped him land the woman of his dreams.

In this video coaching newsletter I discuss 2 different email success stories from 2 different viewers. The 1st is from a guy who shares how it helped to improved his life and to land the woman of his dreams. His girl is a virgin and very traditional with no sex until marriage. It’s a good email success story for men who are religious and have traditional values. The 2nd success story is from a guy who changed his life and met his wife and helped his brother to find a new wife after a divorce due to my work. My comments are in bold italics like this below in the body of their emails.

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Hi, I’m Coach Corey Wayne and this is my Video Coaching Newsletter. And the topic of today’s Newsletter is going to be, “How Corey Wayne Helped Me Land The Woman Of My Dreams.”

Well, I’ve got two different email success stories. The first one is from a guy that’s very traditional. He met a girl, Christian. No sex until marriage. Comes from a good family. Really loves her father. Obviously she’s a virgin. Believes no sex until marriage. And even though she’s been trying to get him to cave, he actually hasn’t been giving it up because he’s holding her accountable. Because she said, “whatever you do, don’t let me seduce you.” And she’s trying. And to his credit, he is holding out.

So for you guys that are traditional, that want the little innocent girl, there are some out there. And so we got a success story from that. And then the second success story, this guy who’s been following me for quite a few years, and he details how my work changed his life, how he met his wife, and also how it helped his brother after he was going through a divorce, get back in the dating world and meet a great lady and so far they’re living happily ever after. So with that said, let’s jump right into it and see what the first guy did.

First Viewer’s Email:

Hello Coach Corey,

My name is Bob, and I have been following your content on and off for the better part of 7 years.

So I’m not a quick fix. I’m not like, snap your fingers, in two weeks, all your problems are going to be solved. I’m more of a you got to think of yourself as like a marathon runner. And so it’s a multi year project becoming the best version of yourself, because maybe you got things to work on in your professional life first before things really balance out in your personal life. But because the idea is it’s all about becoming a well-rounded person and making yourself the most attractive man that you can be. I’m again, I’m not a copy and paste.

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I’m not a quick fix guy because the stuff that’s in The Book, it takes time to understand. It takes time to read, it takes time to date, it takes time to practice. And over time you get better. And great things take time. Anybody telling you that they’re going to solve all your problems in a couple of weeks, or a couple of days is just trying to sell you a load of BS.

I wanted to personally share the story of how you helped me to land the woman of my dreams. I cannot stress the sheer level of gratitude that I have for your influence on my life. I don’t know if I would have had the abilities to get the girl if I hadn’t memorized the lessons and principles you teach in both your book and videos.

Obviously talking about 3% Man.

My current girlfriend can be best categorized as one who “knocks my socks off.” I prayed to God for a woman that has the qualities she possesses and he over-delivered. She is 21 and I am 28 as of writing this. God may have brought her to me, but your lessons and principles provided me the skills to secure her and keep her hooked.

Well, as Confucius said, “Success depends upon prior preparation and without said preparation there is sure to be failure.” So you put the time in. I mean, this is a seven year journey for him.

I first met her over a dating app. I tried to set up a time and place for us to go out on a date, but she was a bit scared and hesitant to agree to meet in person.

So this is interesting. I did a couple of videos in the last couple of weeks talking about this and online dating. And because a lot of guys just try to text a few texts back and forth and then hope they’ll get a girl out on a date and they’ll just wing it in person. And what’s important especially if you’re meeting women online, or you’re leaning exclusively to meeting women online, is it’s much better to create rapport. Plus, to have at least a phone call of 10 or 15 minutes so you can kind of gauge what it’s like talking to them in person.

Because if you can’t have a good conversation on the phone, there’s kind of no reason to go out in person, and you can save yourself time and money by talking to a girl on the phone versus just texting her and getting her on a date and just hoping everything goes well on the date. Because you might talk to a girl for 10 or 15 minutes and then you realize that she’s boring, or you don’t like her, or you just don’t click. That saves you time. That saves you money. So I mean, a 10 or 15 minute phone call is good. And so in this case, I’m assuming maybe he probably didn’t have enough rapport.

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So she didn’t feel comfortable. She didn’t feel safe. Because he didn’t take the time. Because under normal circumstances, before all online dating, most people obviously met in person or they were introduced or they met up at a friend’s party or at work, or because work is one of the biggest ways that people actually meet when you look at it statistically, which is pretty interesting. Because that can also present its own problems, especially in the MeToo era.

She later agreed to go on a date with me but later canceled, which I figured was going to happen although I was not upset by it. She later asked if I would be open for a phone conversation so she could get to know me a little more as I don’t think she felt comfortable with the idea of meeting with a guy she knew virtually nothing about.

So yeah, that tells me that he did not talk to her on the phone first. He just probably texted her a few times and set a date, and since she hadn’t talked to him, she dipped. You got to create rapport. Again, you got to think in terms of the dating apps are great to create an introduction, but you still got to have a personality. You still got to be able to carry a conversation. Especially guys that are socially awkward and don’t take the time to learn to develop their social skills and get really good at small talk.

You might get a girl out on a date, but if you’re not good at having conversations or creating rapport or small talk, you’re going to face plant on the date and it’s not going to go well. So it’s better to get this stuff done ahead of time. Especially I did a long video on it a couple of weeks ago, so I’m not going to go through everything I went through because I think that video was about 40 minutes where I was discussing about creating rapport, the types of jobs and things you should go into. But I would check that video out. It was like I said, it was only about two weeks ago.

I agreed and some of the first things she let me know over the phone was that she was a virgin, had never dated before, and that she wanted to save herself for marriage. She wanted me to know that ahead of time so that she didn’t feel like we were wasting each other’s time. I told her that those were major green flags for me. She rescheduled a date with me after having felt more comfortable from the phone conversation that we had. We met up on the first date where we immediately hit it off. I was only focused on hanging out and having fun.

Photo by iStock/DeanDrobot

The flow of the date felt natural, and she did many things that demonstrated high interest towards me such as laughing at all of my stupid jokes or constantly touching me. I took her mini golfing afterwards, but we ended up getting rained out halfway through. She texted me later that night after arriving home, thanking me for the night out. I responded back to her and the following day I planned a second date with her the following week. I showed up to the place at the agreed upon time for the second date. I had a suspicion after 5 minutes of waiting and having not heard from her that she either forgot or that something had happened. I sent out a text saying how I got us a table to which she immediately called me frantically asking if I was actually at the restaurant.

That’s not a good sign. I mean, the fact that she can’t even text you after spending a date with you and it’s just. Oh, well, I haven’t heard from him, so I’m just not going to show up. That’s pretty fucking rude. That’s a red flag. Maybe she’s socially awkward and kind of stunted growth. But to make plans with somebody that you’ve already met and you had a good date with and so this is what she explained.

She explained that she didn’t think I was going to show since I didn’t send her a follow-up text but then told me that she was on her way.

Again, that’s just extremely rude on her part. That’s not a good sign. But it gets better.

After she arrived, she apologized and I jokingly told her that I don’t blame her and that a lot of women aren’t used to guys being men of their word. The rest of the evening went smoothly and I could tell she liked the way that I had handled the situation.

Again. It was still incredibly rude. Because you had plans, you’d already had one date and spent several hours together, and to just go, “oh well, I haven’t heard from him, so I’m just not going to show up.” That’s pretty rude. That’s concerning. Even though this is a success story. Like I said, that’s kind of a red flag.

In a little under 2 months of us dating, she asked me the, “what are we?” question. We then committed to being exclusive and she told me later that night how she loved me and that I’m everything in a man that she asked God for. She regularly tells me how she feels a 10/10 attraction towards me in every conceivable category of our relationship and brings up marriage all of the time. She asked me early on in the relationship that no matter how much she begs for it in the moment, to not give her sex.

Photo by iStock/JackF

And of course, he’s committed to it, right? He’s keeping his word. He says, “I’m going to hold her accountable to it.” But, you know, back to the fact that she was just going to be a no show. The fact that she apologized and dropped what she was doing and then went over to meet him, that was a good sign. But just the fact that she couldn’t even text him, “hey, we’re still on?” That’s just not normal behavior.

To make plans with somebody, especially when you spend time with them like that and had a good date. “Oh, I haven’t heard from him, so I’m just not going to show up.” Very rude. But maybe she led a sheltered life. And again, she says she’s never dated anybody, so she was very skittish. Maybe her dad didn’t let her date or do anything until she was 21, so maybe the father kind of stunted her growth a little bit.

Abstinence until marriage is very important for her. Every night we hang out she is practically tearing my clothes off, but I always hold up my end of the agreement and maintain my promise. This makes it harder as this only makes her want me more. Needless to say, I will be proposing soon out of sheer necessity. Every positive attribute.

I would say after maybe two years of dating, it’d be good to propose. But you do, you boo boo. Because maybe, you know, I don’t. Does he say how long he’s been, a little under two months. Let’s see if he says how long they’ve been dating here. I just want to go back and look at that real quick. So maybe they haven’t even been dating that long. I don’t know, but he’s ready to pop the question. I would say he’s got it’d be better to wait till a year and a half, two years. I wouldn’t be in such a rush just because you want to get laid.

That’s not a good reason to get married. Even though you’re happy, you can’t be a little dopey and just project all your fantasy onto her. Because you need time to get to know somebody and for the infatuation to wear off. Because maybe there’s other character flaws. Because when you’re dopey about somebody and you’re Goo Goo Gaga, you look past all the red flags, and it’s not until you’re married and then you want to try to get out of that. That’s when things can get really messy and unpleasant and expensive. So he’s going to propose out of necessity.

Every positive attribute that can be found in a woman according to you, she has.

Yeah, but does she keep her word? Because again, like I said, it kind of jumps out at me. It’s like, you had one date, and you spent a bunch of time together. And for her, just to assume you’re not going to be there and not call or not text or anything, that’s not a good sign.

She comes from a very stable and loving household. Her relationship with her father is fantastic and she doesn’t have a single masculine bone in her body. She lets me lead the relationship and is always asking me what ways she can better give back to me and the relationship.

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Well, that is a good sign. That’s a green flag.

She is very affectionate, kind, and just an overall virtuous Godly-woman. It also helps that she is absolutely breath-taking and she takes excellent care of her physical appearance. I never argue because like you’ve said, “If you’re arguing with a woman it means you don’t understand them.” She carries over no baggage from previous relationships and she is as pure as snow.

He sounds like he’s still in the infatuation phase. So when you’re dopey over a girl, it’s next to impossible to notice any red flags. Yet my big concern would be does she actually keep her word? Because again, after you spend all that time together on one date, she basically wasn’t going to keep her word. She was just going to be a no show. But the fact you reached out and she dropped what she was doing and came over, it shows she was highly interested. Again, maybe she led a sheltered life. Her parents were super strict.

I mean, when have you ever met a girl that’s 21 years old that’s like, “I’ve never dated before.” I would say probably because her parents were super strict. And oftentimes what you can see with parents that are super strict is that the kids then learn to lie and deceive, because it’s the only way they can survive, because they always get judged, or they get in trouble when they do things that don’t make mom and dad happy.

I have hooked up with many women in the past but I knew when I met her that she was a woman worth waiting till marriage for. I have effortlessly been able to mold our relationship to my preferences. Following your principles have turned me into a Chad Thunder Cock in her eyes. She demonstrates complete trust in me. I just focus on my life mission, let her come to me, never take things seriously, focus on having a good time with her, and try to be a man of virtue and principle.

You’ve taught me how to be the masculine box that contains and protects her feminine essence, allowing it to grow and flourish. You have made me a stronger man both within and outside the context of relationships and I cannot thank you enough.

Well, like I said, it just seems like he’s pretty dopey about her. Doesn’t really seem like they’ve been dating that long, but he’s already determined that she’s the winner. And so it’s really better to get past the infatuation period. Because I don’t think this guy, in the mindset that he’s in would be able to see any kind of particular red flags. But like I said, does she keep her word? Does she do what she says she’s going to do? And when it came to the second date, she was going to not keep her word.

Photo by iStock/PenelopeB

She was just going to blow you off and not show up until you called her out and you held her accountable. And to her credit, she did show up. But that’s again, that’s a troubling sign. It’s nice that she met up with you, but a girl with low interest would have been like, “oh, hey, you never called. Sorry. I’m just not showing up.” Again, this is part of the problem when you’re on a dating app, versus meeting somebody in person.

If she had a good social life and plenty of girlfriends, and she’s really beautiful and has a good community, she wouldn’t be on a dating app. So, like I said, girls that come from a good family and have a good social network, the guys that they’re dating they’re just meeting through their life, through their social activities. The people that are on the dating apps, unless they’ve moved from another area, typically there’s other issues going on there. Again, we discussed these kinds of things at length on many other video newsletters.

So I like the second email success story. It’s definitely better, because this is, you know, these are many years this guy came in 2014. So this guy’s been following me close to ten years. The second one. And so he’s actually married. But like I said, for those of you guys, I like that first one because it, appears the girl is a virgin. She was clearly willing to give up her virginity to him. And but he’s keeping his word and his commitment. Like I said, my biggest concern is long term.

Does she do the things she says she’s going to do or not? And like I said, with him being so dopey and convinced she’s the right girl and, “oh, I better propose real soon, because he wants to get access to the box and keep his word on that.” That’s why I said it’d be better to date for about two years before you get married. It just sounds like he’s only been dating a matter of months and is still kind of in the honeymoon phase, so I’d say slow your roll. I’m happy for you, but slow your roll. That’s a big, big, big step, especially if you’re going to involve the government in your relationship. So the second success story.

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Second Viewer’s Email:

Dear Coach Corey,

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for the profound impact your teachings have had on my life. In 2014, I came to the U.S. to pursue my Master’s Degree. Along with adapting to a new culture, I felt an urge to unlock my full potential in all aspects of life. During my time in school, I dabbled in online dating but struggled to find the connection I was looking for. While I did experience some success on platforms like OkCupid and lost my virginity, the ideal partner I imagined remained elusive.

Again, that’s why things just go so much better when you meet people in person through your social network. It’s just that it doesn’t mean there’s no good girls on online dating, but what it does mean is there’s a higher incidence of messed up women on online dating versus women that you meet through your social circle and your connections. Because like attracts like. People that like the same things tend to like each other. People that have similar goals, similar values tend to hang out in the same peer groups.

After graduating in 2016, I faced a tough period of joblessness. At that time, I was without a job, a partner, but had a clear direction. Despite these setbacks, I remained determined. When I finally secured a job, I turned to PUA routines as a way to boost my confidence and cover my inexperience. For a while, it worked, but I soon realized this approach wasn’t aligned with my goal of personal growth. The effort it took to maintain that fake persona was exhausting, and I wasn’t being true to myself.

Yeah, for those of you who maybe read The Mystery Method, which was one of the original PUA’s Pickup Artists, all of that book was about routines. And like what Mystery’s problem was, is once he ran out of routines, then the girls came to see that he wasn’t really the guy that he presented himself as. And so that didn’t go too well. So in 2018 okay, so he’s been following me since 2018. So this is six years.

Photo by iStock/Tom Merton

In 2018, I switched careers and landed my dream job. Around that time, I was searching for a mentor who could guide me toward realizing my full potential. That’s when your videos appeared in my YouTube feed, seemingly by chance (The Universe has its ways!). I bought your first book and dove into it wholeheartedly, highlighting key points, taking notes, and revisiting your teachings frequently. It became a manual for me as I worked on improving myself. Over time, I pushed myself to step out of my comfort zone. At a certain time, I think I had asked out over 600 girls.

So he spent a lot of time applying what was in The Book.

I had my fair share of “fuck off”, “not interested” and “I have a boyfriend”. But, at the same time I had gone out on dates with more than 55 women in the duration of 2 years. It was like clockwork. I was doing great in my career.

So that’s basically about two different women per month. That’s a lot of work to meet that amount of women. But man, you’re going to get a lot of experience, and that’s what you really need to make an intelligent, informed decision. You know, the first guy did a lot of dating and hooking up, but like I said, it just doesn’t seem like he’s got enough time in with this girl to really judge her character.

He needs to get past the honeymoon period and get past that dopey period, because anything you say to him, probably, especially whether it’s his friends or people close to him, he’s not going to listen to you anyways until he gets out of that. And then infatuation honeymoon period usually takes at least 6 to 12 months before you kind of start to get past that.

I was doing great in my career working hard to be in shape, competing in martial arts tournaments and going out on dates with on an average two beautiful women bi-weekly. It was an addicting experience. I went out with Playboy Models, European travelers, Surgeons, Engineers, Athletes, Actresses, crazy psychos and so many more.

Yeah, you’re going to get a very diverse group of ladies when you meet and you date that many. But that’s good because you have to learn what’s out there. You have to learn what the market is like. You have to learn what your options are and not just settle on the first cute girl that comes along.

Photo by iStock/cokacoka

I have so many fun stories to share but those are for another time. One day, I asked out three beautiful women separately, just as part of my to-do list.

Part of his to do list. So he got to the point where talking to and meeting women in person was kind of like ordering a Happy Meal at McDonald’s. It wasn’t a big deal. He’s like, “oh, I got to get at least three ladies I got to ask out.” Today he saw three cute girls, approach. He did his thing, checked that box. That’s when you’ve arrived.

One of those women later became my wife last year, after four years of dating.

So, like I was saying earlier, this guy spent four years dating his wife. So he went through the honeymoon period. He went through the infatuation and the dopey phase, and he got past that and continued to date her and then decided to go ahead and get married. So I assume that means they’ve been together five years now.

Today, I am an Executive, having worked my way up from an Engineer’s role. I live in an apartment by the Canadian Rockies with my wife, and we’re planning to start a family this year. We go on fun dates biweekly. I have a great routine, including weekly sessions with my NSA Chiropractor.

That’s Network Spinal Analysis for you guys that are unfamiliar. I would definitely check out the website, if you’re ever in Orlando, go and spend a couple of weeks getting worked on by Doctor D’Anna. Tell him that you’re one of my viewers and you were referred by me. And if you don’t have the ability to go to Orlando, you can always go to his website. and send him an email and ask him for a referral of a really good Network Chiropractic Doctor in your city or your country.

There was a Video I did years ago called, “How To Become More Confident & Sure Of Your Actions.” So I would definitely check that out. Where I really go into depth into what Network Chiropractic is. And there’s also videos on there, there’s a playlist actually the Consciousness Exercises, it’s at the bottom of the home page of my YouTube Channel. There’s stages 1 through 12 where Doctor D’Anna and Gracie that you can watch. And do those exercises in front of your big screen TV just so you can kind of get a feel for how those different Consciousness Exercises make you feel.

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Regular workouts, and an executive coach who helps me find balance. Your teachings set me on this incredible path, and I’ll forever be grateful. They not only helped me, but they also guided my brother through a tough divorce and into a happy remarriage.

Thank you for everything, Corey. Your teachings have been a blessing in my life, and I wish you continued success.

Yours truly,


Well, Bob, thanks for sharing that success story.

And, if you’ve got a question or a challenge and you’d like to get my help, go to, click the Products tab at the top of your screen on any page, and book a coaching session with yours truly. Until next time, I will talk to you soon.

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And plus any other Special Videos that we do. We just did one on the Menendez Brothers that was really interesting, the Girls were really into that. And so we had a long discussion about that last week. And so that’ll be for the paying Members. But we also have a weekly 3% Man Study Group Podcast, a weekly Mastering Yourself Study Group Podcast. So it’s like an ongoing weekly class, an online one, if you will. You can again, subscribe through our Website, which we prefer.

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The three platforms are not connected, so if you subscribe on YouTube, you won’t be able to access Spotify Members Only Content and vice versa. So I’ve seen some guys get confused about that. I mean, I don’t know why, but some people get confused because like, if you go and you’re used to ordering things on Walmart’s website, you’re not going to get access to ordering things on Amazon’s website. So I would think that was common sense, but I guess not. And until next time, I will talk to you guys soon.



Coach Corey Wayne

Life & Peak Performance Coach. I Teach Self-Reliance. Subscribe To My Newsletter To Read My eBooks “3% Man” & “Mastering Yourself” Free: