How A Church Pastor Became A Ladies Man
How a mostly celibate, unhappily married church pastor became a ladies man and met his dream woman.
In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email success story from a viewer who was a virgin until he married his very religious wife and became a church pastor. After he found out his supposedly religious wife was cheating on him, he got divorced and found my work.
He details how he made up for lost time and lack of experience with women and enjoyed dating and hooking up with many amazing women. He is now engaged to the woman of his dreams, who comes from a good family where her mother loves and respects her father, and he is her rock. My comments are in bold italics like this below in the body of his email.
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Hi Corey,
It’s amazing the impact you’ve had on my life. I’m an interim pastor and a succeeding dad. I was the step below a beta male, in a marriage led by an alpha female that was ultra-religious. I allowed her to control my life, even my ministry.
Yeah, she definitely wore the pants. It sounds like feminism got to your wife, the ideology of feminism, and it didn’t go well.
My young sons even noticed. Sex was only 6 times a year, in a good year.
Wow. Why be married? Brutal.
I was not allowed to look at women, even if they resembled Morgan Freeman in the face.
She had control over you.
My balls were locked in her safe with my credit cards.
Can you imagine this guy, “Hey, I’m going to have to ask my wife.” How many of you have got friends or family members who are like, “Yeah, let me talk to my wife, ” or “Let me ask my wife”? It’s amazing how many guys do that in society. Yeah, obviously you’ve got to include your partner and your teammate, but just, “Let me get permission.” Then, “Well, my wife said no.”
She was the man, and she resented me for it. She was so turned off, “Mother Teresa” cheated on me and divorced me. I had to start over. God led me to Coach Corey Wayne, and I purchased your book.
Obviously, he’s talking about “How To Be A 3% Man,” and “Mastering Yourself” goes hand in hand, because it’s a book on self reliance. And “How To Be A 3% Man” is all about pickup, dating and relationship skills. You can read them both for free at All you’ve got to do is subscribe the email newsletter.
And what’s great is, when you learn what’s in 3% Man, if you apply what’s in the book, your woman will submit to you just like it describes in the bible. Because once you understand how women are naturally, the way the big man upstairs made them, things are supposed to be easy and effortless that way. Unless, of course, you’re dating a feminazi.
I lost count how many times I read it after 15 times. You changed my life. You gave me the gift of a new better life. When I followed your principles, after my divorce, was the year I got more sex from premium women than I ever dreamed possible!
Well, this brings to mind a quote from everyone’s favorite former President who said, “There’s nothing better than first rate pussy” — obviously, Donald J. Trump. I’m sure people will be crying and complaining, but that’s okay. He’s still your former President too.
I’m talking about models, wealthy women, and a local TV host. I even said no to married women. I got dates on first contact. Corey, I became so deliberate in my attitude, even in fancy restaurant restrooms (TV girl), and they loved it!!!
Damn! I hope you did a few Hail Marys after that, said a few Our Fathers, went to confession a few times.
A model even started applauding when I kissed her openly and boldly, saying it blew her mind, and no guy, including her finance (I didn’t know) had the guts to do that. She told me, “Wow, you just made things so difficult for somebody I know.”
So, I guess after the fact she’s like, “Oh by the way, I’ve got a fiancee.” That poor bastard. Well, whoever that poor bastard is, he definitely hasn’t read my book. Maybe someday he will. He’ll find his way here.
Despite being leading man handsome in my youth, due my religion, I was a virgin when I married. I made up for this during high school during our 30-year class reunion.
Through focusing on me, I fell in love with me. I am now engaged to a beautiful, chocolate Ugandan model, 20 years younger than me, I met in Dubai. She wasn’t my “type” in my beta years. I felt I needed to worship a trophy with a Halle Berry look.
Halle Berry is a fucking smokeshow. I don’t care if she’s crazy as hell, because she is fucking hot. So, here’s to Halle Berry.
Only after following your advice was I able to trust God to lead me to a good wife. I learned I needed a certain bi-racial look in a woman to feel validated in myself. That’s no longer an issue. I’m that prize. Her culture is based on marriage and respecting men. She was raised by a strong father who her mom adored and honored.
Good things. Like I said, women that grow up in good families, where mom and dad are together and they have a good, healthy relationship, they make the best humans, the most balanced. Especially if you’re looking for a woman to have a long-term relationship with.
And the reality is — I get a lot of shit for it, but I don’t care because most people won’t do the work on themselves to fix their issues — but the more messed up their background is, the more messed up she is and the more difficult it’s going to be to have a relationship with them.
I’m just saying, if you’re looking for something long-term, you want women that have this kind of a background, where the parents have a healthy relationship, the wife respects her husband, she’s sweet, talks to him, works their differences out instead of causing drama and cursing. Because remember, life should be a drama free zone.
They demonstrated how married couples resolve issues. She treats me like a king. She respects me in disagreements. She never stays angry. I’m treated like a king. She knocks my socks off.
I had to express my gratitude as a 51-year old alpha male, finally.
Well, welcome to the 3% Club, my man.
Things are now God’s plan. She follows me, as I follow my God, and my purpose. I don’t know where I would be without you Corey. I mean this sir. I thank God for you brother.
Well, thank you for you, because now you can be a great dad, a great boyfriend, fiancee at this point, future husband, and more importantly, you get to influence your whole congregation. And any men that are in your congregation that are dealing with those feminist-nazi type women, you can bring them to the light.
They can read my book “How To Be A 3% Man” for free and get the same results, and that makes better human beings. It makes society better, and that’s why I do what I do. I love getting emails like this, because all the shit I’ve gotten over the years, it’s like, that’s the beauty of truth — it’s self-evident. It simply is. You put the stuff out there, people apply it, they become good at it, they get great results over time.
In this case, the guy sowed his oats for a few years and then came across a woman who’d be a really great future bride for him, and I think that’s awesome. I love seeing happy endings.
“It’s never too late to become the person you were meant to be. As long as you have breath in your lungs and hope in your heart, you can apply the science of high achievement fundamentals to reach your full potential in both your personal and professional life. Nobody starts out as an expert. The novice can become a master at anything with enough passion, time, focus, repetition, perseverance, learning from mistakes and refining one’s approach. Time passes no matter what we do or fail to do. Our future destination is the result of our daily actions. Find a way to assign positive and empowering meanings to the moments of your life, so you can have fun, learn something and try to get a little better each and every day. Big things have little beginnings.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne