Get Busy Doing Something For Yourself
Why you should get busy doing something for yourself, so you can reach your full potential in your personal and professional life.
In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss the importance of taking action to move your life forward. To always be doing something for yourself to improve, no matter if you are already self-employed, or if you work for someone else. Constant and never-ending improvement is essential to reaching your full potential in every area of your life that is important to you. Why it’s in our human nature to grow and always want to become better and experience more of what life has to offer.
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The way the topic of this particular newsletter came about, I think yesterday or the day before, I was going through a bunch of emails, there was a guy in the email comments — it was like a short paragraph — and he was just kind of lost and didn’t know what to do, wasn’t really excited about what he was doing in his life. He had a job. It was obviously paying the bills, but he just didn’t really have any true passion for it. So obviously, we’re going to talk a lot about self-reliance today, what’s in my second book, “Mastering Yourself.”
I’m going to brag on a friend of mine who is the daughter of another good friend of mine, we’ve known each other for twenty-five years. She’s my assistant. And so, I had a conversation with her daughter and one of her daughter’s best friends. This is going back almost four years ago.
So, we’re going to talk about time and having a side hustle. And even though you’re working for other people and doing other things, how the commitment to incremental improvement on a daily basis, how that adds up over the course of just a few years. She’s getting ready to graduate at the end of this year, and she’s made some amazing progress. I’m really proud of her, I know her mother is proud of her, and I’m excited to kind of brag on her a little bit and share her little bit of a success story with you guys.
Because this is something that’s super important. This will help you in your personal life or your professional life, because like back to this guy, that messaged me, obviously his personal life’s not going well, and his professional life is just kind of average and mediocre, and he’s kind of like, “What can I do?” This is kind of my lot in life.
So, I’m going to get further into detail and just explain how my friend’s daughter took what she learned about social media marketing and entrepreneurship, and used it to get herself a job, used it to become extremely valuable to the people that she works for and the promotions and all the amazing things that have happened just in, I mean, a few short years, basically a little over three years at this point.
Keep in mind, she’s been a full time student, obviously in college, in addition to working, so it’s just amazing the amount of progress she just made in a few short years by really making herself a high value human being, taking care of herself, valuing herself, loving herself, and then obviously growing her gifts, her skills and her talents. So as she became more knowledgeable and more experienced, she got more responsibility, she got raises. And this is just a microcosm of the stuff that I teach. This is the science of high achievement fundamentals. These are things that everybody should know.
But what’s interesting is, I’ve had this same conversation with several of my other friends and their kids, and they all get varying results. And one thing I will say about this particular girl is that she kind of always had that “it factor.” You know, when she wants to do something, she’s not afraid of going out and doing things if she’s not good at it.
So about four years ago, we were hanging out in South Beach, at the place that I lived at the time. It was a beautiful day, hanging out with these two friends, and one, I’ve known her parents since before she was born, back when she was in diapers. And it’s just cool to see somebody’s kids that you know and love and care about grow up and become beautiful, amazing young adults and then have that fire and that passion to kind of go off and do something.
And so, basically what we were talking about is a lot of the things I write about, because at the time I was in the process of writing my second book “Mastering Yourself” and putting this stuff down, because I do lots of phone sessions with people, and we end up talking about marketing or business, figuring out your purpose, what you want to do with your life. And so these girls were getting ready to go to college. They were both beautiful, successful. They were both cheerleaders, very outgoing.
One was going to The University of Miami, and the other one was going to Florida State, also known as “Tallanasty” for those that have been up there. And so, we talked about marketing, and I I gave them this example. There’s this company called The Boutique down in South Florida. It’s a woman and her husband, she was a former cheerleader for the Miami Dolphins, and a beautiful girl, loves fashion, and is into clothes. And what I explained to my two friends was how she built her business.
She was able to prime the pump because she was a cheerleader, so she got to know a lot of people in the media just because, obviously with a professional NFL team, you’re just going to get to make those media contacts. So when she opened up her store, this boutique store, she had all of her girlfriends that were in the media, who came and did stories and interviews, and that kind of helped prime the pump, in addition to the fact that she had, I think, four or five thousand followers at the time.
The company is called The Boutique. And if you’re on my Instagram @CoachCoreyWayne, you can just go look it up, but she’s got an amazing website. And her value proposition — in other words, what she adds to the world through her business — is that she’s great at picking out clothes, she’s really into fashion. And so she’ll spend hours and hours going through the different catalogs and the different manufacturers and then ordering clothes, trying them out, picking out the colors. And then she has her models come in and they model all the clothes, and obviously, she posts it to her Instagram and her website.
She ships all over the world, and they’ve got an amazing business. Her husband’s a really handsome, good looking guy, Type A alpha male, and they have an amazing business. And so, any time I come across friends, especially that want to go into apparel or selling some kind of product online, The Boutique is a great model to see what they’ve done, if you’re just strictly a product person.
So back to my my friend’s daughter. So, you know, I talked about multiple streams of income, I talked about the importance of having a side hustle, because at that time I think she had a little over two thousand followers on Instagram, because obviously she’s beautiful, she posted pictures of herself. She’s going to get lots of thirsty dudes, obviously following her as well, in addition to high school people. And I just hung up with her mom, and I think she’s got somewhere around five or six thousand followers now, so she’s got a great core audience.
What I explained to her is, the beauty of social media or an email list or YouTube, or whatever the platform happens to be, is that you can build an audience from the time you’re young, and you can think of it like it’s your television audience, or your newspaper readers, or the people that are fans of your business, or your art or whatever it happens to be. And as you go through life, this audience continues to grow as you share your content to social media, whatever it is you’re an expert in or whatever it is you’re passionate about.
She obviously was paying attention to that that day, and so it was kind of in the back back of her mind, what I talked about — a side hustle and multiple streams of income. And so, around the time when she was a sophomore, she started working for this actual boutique in the Orlando area when she was home during summer break and started handling their social media and things that I taught her about social media marketing.
She started doing that for the boutique that she was working for, did really well at growing it, and I think it was after her second year, she decided she didn’t want to stay up in “Tallanasty,” relocated back to Orlando, and started working there part to somewhat full time, going to school, helping build the business. And so, she kind of worked her way up, and now she’s twenty-one years old, about to be twenty-two this coming year, just a few months away. I can’t fucking believe she’s going to be like twenty-two. It seems like yesterday she was in a little baby carriage, but it’s like, man life goes by fast.
But you know, she’s been in college this whole time and thinking about, “What can I be doing?” She worked a part time job, took the things that she learned from me, always trying to get better. Just like I talked about in the quote in the beginning in the video, she was trying to get better. She took all the things that she learned in marketing or their social media presence, and she made herself a very valuable employee.
Obviously, she got raises, she got promoted. Now she’s running the boutique. She’s still twenty-one, she’s not even done with college. And one of the things she was talking about is, she works a lot, she’s got a busy career and she’s got all this valuable life experience that she’s getting, and she’s a senior now in college. So she’s got all this experience, and most of her girlfriends she went to school with are out there partying, they’re in sororities, they’re going out, getting drunk. They’re going to raves and doing all these things. And she kind of sometimes feels like she’s missing out. She compares herself, which is interesting, because I did the same thing when I was in college.
I was always kind of comparing myself to my friends and how they were making progress while they were off going to four-year schools, and being in fraternities, and partying and not really working all through college. I was working for other people and getting experience. And so, by the time I was like twenty-five, twenty-six years old, that’s when I started my first business on my own, because of all the experience that I got while all my friends were screwing around and partying.
And so back to my friend’s daughter, where she’s at now is that she’s thinking about potentially having her own franchise. She’s putting together a business plan, and she wants to kind of either do a franchise of the existing boutique, or just starting one from scratch and doing it on her own. And so basically, by the time she’s twenty-two, twenty-three years old, she’ll probably be starting her own business, just because she has the wherewithal to do it, she’s worked for somebody else.
So, yes, she’s getting her college degree while she’s in college, but she’s getting all this invaluable life experience, this management experience. Now she’s running a successful business, she got paid to learn, she knows how all this stuff works — everything that I talk about in my second book, “Mastering Yourself.”
She’s applying these business techniques, these business strategies, these marketing strategies, these entrepreneur strategies and getting success for somebody else, learning on their dime. And now she’s going to graduate, she’s going to have her college degree, and she’s basically primed and ready to start her own business after just basically four years after having this conversation.
So if you’re sitting there thinking, “What do I do? How do I help myself? What can I do to help myself?” Obviously, by applying to things that are in my book. It makes me chuckle. Sometimes I see guys read this book and they get all pissed off about the politics, because they disagree with politics. Because obviously, anybody that’s kind of communist or leftist leaning kind of gets pissed off at the message of self-reliance.
And so, here you got this, what was just a short time ago, an eighteen year old girl graduating high school, and now she’s about to be a twenty-two year old graduating college and has the wherewithal, the experience and knowledge to start her own business. All that in four years. So it’s like, a girl can do it. It’s like, come on.
Another thing that I’m proud of — and I root for her, obviously, and her younger sister — is that when my assistant was telling me all this stuff about loving yourself, valuing yourself that I talk about in “How To Be A 3% Man,” she’s taught all this stuff to her daughters, and it’s given her her daughters the power, especially the younger one, was not in a good relationship, and it gave her the strength to leave that relationship in a healthy way and to move on and go do something else.
And her oldest — the one that’s about ready to become an entrepreneur in the next year or two — was saying, one of the most valuable things that really helped her was “The quickest way to get somebody else’s attention is to remove yours.” And so when she noticed that the guy that she was dating or her boyfriend’s not paying much attention, not really reciprocating, she slows down the contact initiating and pursuing him, and giving him a chance, especially if he doesn’t value her or takes her for granted. And it really, really helped her out a lot.
Both my books, “Mastering Yourself” and “How To Be A 3% Man,” for both men and women, are great tools of wisdom in these books. Like I said, I’ve got an eighteen year old friend that’s about to be twenty-two in a few short months, and she’s ready, pretty much, to start her own business. So it’s kind of like, what’s your excuse?
So if you’d like to get my help personally, maybe you need help figuring out what your purpose or your mission is. Maybe you’ve got some marketing ideas you want to bounce off me, or you’ve got a business that you want to start, and you want my opinion on the best way to do that, where you keep your expenses low.
Like I said, she was working for somebody else. So she was getting paid, she earns while she learns, and even mistakes obviously are made on their dime, and she knows how to make the business work, because she’s, in essence, running the thing herself now at this point. And so, she’s totally got confidence, she’s got competence, and she’s making it happen.
So if you are in a situation, you may need help figuring out what it is you want to do, or you want a game plan or a strategy, I’m happy to help help you do that. You can book a coaching session by going to my website,, click the Products tab at top of your screen on any page, and you can book a coaching session with yours truly.
And to my friend’s daughter, welcome to the three percent club girl, we are so proud of you and we love you and can’t wait to see what you do in the future.
“When people are not satisfied with their current situation in life and they are not sure what they should do, they should get busy doing something for themselves that will grow their reserve of knowledge, improve their gifts, skills and talents. Every human being should commit to trying to become a little better today than they were yesterday. Over the course of many days, weeks, months and years, this small, incremental and perpetual commitment to improvement will yield amazing results, especially when the results are measured over the course of a decade. We all get paid and loved based upon the value that we bring to the marketplace and other people’s lives. The better you become, the more opportunities and better the quality of people you will attract into your life. Most people never try to improve or to get better in any way, because they tend to major in minor things. Therefore, it doesn’t take much to become better than most of your competition, because they simply won’t do anything to improve or help themselves. Most of success is simply showing up and taking action.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne