Attractive Men Do What They Want

Coach Corey Wayne
13 min readApr 16, 2021


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Why attractive men do what they want, when they want and with whom they want.

In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email success story from a twenty-nine year old viewer who has been following my work for the past year after he had a horrible breakup with his girlfriend of three years. He shares how it helped all areas of his life to get better and get his ex back.

He ultimately decided to break it off with her after he finally realized she was toxic. He describes how his first date since dumping his ex went, and how it was fun, easy, effortless and led to a session of the indoor Olympics later that night. My comments are in bold italics like this below in the body of his email.

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I’ve got an email success story from a guy, he’s been following me for the past year. And like a lot of guys, he found my work after he had a bad breakup with his girlfriend of three years. He started studying my work relentlessly, obviously learning my first book, How To Be A 3% Man, as well as Mastering Yourself, my second book. He started applying it, things start improving in all areas of his life and he quickly got his ex back.

They were together for about three or four months, or maybe it was six months, and then finally, because he continued watching my videos and really kind of looked at her behavior, he determined that she was kind of toxic, and I guess she belonged to the streets, so he dumped her. And he writes in about a first date that he had. In other words, a woman he went out with that was the first girl he’s been on a date with since he broke up with his ex.

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Obviously, it’s a good success story. So, I wanted to share that because it’s Friday, and who doesn’t like good success stories to help keep guys motivated and excited, and also so you can learn something and get better. Because that’s the important thing. You want to have fun, and you want to learn something so you can get better.

This is kind of like the chronicles of the 3% Club — the guys that have made it there. They’ve become very proficient at applying what’s in How To Be A 3% Man and Mastering Yourself, so they can be totally self-reliant and they can create the life and lifestyle that they want, that’s pleasing to them. Because the most important person you have to answer to is yourself, and you’re the ultimate judge and jury on the status of your life.

Your opinion of your life is what matters most and that needs to be the most important one, because you do what you do because of you and your own motivations. You’re not going to be happy if you try to live your life according to other people’s expectations, because somebody is always going to be getting upset.

There was a post this morning. It was about gun rights, because obviously that’s been in the news a lot lately. We posted it to Instagram, and you guys can go check it out. I just roasted some dude in the comments and he’s all butt hurt. And I guess he supposedly considers himself a coach or whatever. He’s obviously not pro-gun, and so I took a blowtorch to him in my comment, and you can go there on my Instagram, @CoachCoreyWayne and see it, I will just read the quick little quote here before we get into this email.

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My assistant posted this first thing in the morning, and I’m going through the emails and figuring out what I’m going to do for a video topic today, and this quote, it was one that was posted last week from a guy named John Hayward. He’s a writer for Breitbart News, and obviously he’s pro-gun. He has the same views as I do, and I thought it was a great quote.

It was actually part of a thread of his, and the quote we posted was, “Gun control is a prayer to the state, a religious ceremony in which fanatics pretend they can eliminate crime with just a few more social programs, a little more control over society, a few more restrictions on what the stupid masses can do.” And it kind of sums up how the people that are making all of the laws and rules look at the rest of us. It’s like we’re just a bunch of dumb morons that are too stupid to know what’s good for us, and we need to be told what to do.

And unfortunately, a lot of our fellow citizens believe that kind of commie propaganda that they put out and that we will have the perfect society if we just sit back and do what we’re told. And so, when somebody comes onto my social media and posts something so stupid and ignorant — and you can tell the guy has probably never picked up a gun in his life and doesn’t know the first thing about it, but yet, he’s an expert — he’s going to tell me how I should and shouldn’t be living my life, I’m going to roast him.

And so, I had fun roasting him, just because I’m living and speaking my truth and I don’t care what he thinks of it. I don’t care if he follows me. It’s like, I know everything about that guy based on how he reacted to the post, and it was fun to roast him. I like it. Go check it out @CoachCoreyWayne. But anyway, with that mindset, it’s like Steve McQueen said, “I live for myself and I answer to nobody.”

Photo by John Dominis/The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images

I’m going to live my life and speak my truth, and I don’t care what people think. That’s what being a man is all about. And if you can’t deal with that, go cry somewhere else. It’s like, I don’t care. I don’t need that soylennial nonsense in my life.

Viewer’s Email:

Hey Coach!

Thank you for everything that you do. You have really changed my life and I cannot be more thankful. I am 29 and like many others I stumbled upon your work after a horrible breakup. We were together for 3 years. I was devastated.

Yeah, breakups are no fun for anybody, not enjoyable. That’s why it’s so important to make sure, before you get into a relationship that could potentially lead to a breakup, that you do a good job of pre-qualifying the person you’re thinking about getting serious with. Because otherwise, you get burned down the road, and you have nobody to blame but yourself. That’s part of what self-reliance is all about. It’s all on me.

We did a podcast recently with a buddy of mine, Bobby, who’s in a wheelchair. He’s paralyzed from the nipples down, and we talk about everything — girls, dating, sex, the difference, the way life is now versus the way it was before. And you know, he was he was drunk, he’d been doing some drugs and he was messed up. He was on his motorcycle. He had no helmet on, pulled out of a gas station in front of, I think it was a Ford F-150 pickup truck that was pulling a trailer, and he got run over. Like, he didn’t see it coming. The guy was going like 50 mph, and he just pulled out, maybe 10 mph, because his depth perception was way off, obviously. He got run over by the truck and the trailer on top of it.

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I’m not going to give away all of the details, because it’s a really interesting podcast. We’re working on editing it. It was all shot in 4K. I’ve got a really cool setup, an expensive setup, that we put together for podcasting with six different cameras and mics. We’re slowly working out the kinks and editing. So, I’m excited for you guys to see it, because he’s he’s brutally honest like I am about everything, and he says, “Hey, it was all my fault. It wasn’t anybody’s fault, but my own. I did it to myself.” He takes ownership of it.

Until you take personal responsibility for everything in your life, you don’t really have control over yourself or your life. Because then you can always say, “Well, it’s not my fault. It’s somebody else’s fault.” And so, when I encounter people that want the government to take care of them and the government to be their mommy, it’s like, I don’t have a lot of respect for that, to be honest with you.

Because I’m a self-reliant man, and I don’t need anybody telling me what to do or how to live, especially by these schmucks that are passing all of the laws, these morbidly obese, out of shape, overweight, just absolute morons that say the dumbest things I’ve ever seen in my life. And they think they’re going to dictate how we should be living. It’s like, I don’t think so.

I have had many long-term relationships but when they would end, I always messed up getting them back. I would try to fix it like us men do, and it pushed all of them away. I started working out and bettering myself and applied what you said. I watched every video of yours on how to get an ex back, and within a month it went from her telling me she needed space to her chasing me again. It worked. I got my girl back.

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Well, like I often say, even if you think I’m full of shit, if you just read what’s in my books and you apply it, and you can read them for free at, you will see that it works for you. And that shaved head dude on YouTube really actually does know what he’s talking about. And I can give all my stuff away for free, because I know it works. Because when you see that it works, you’re going to come back and buy a book or do a coaching session. I mean, the reason why most people don’t do that is because they can’t say that about their work. Something to think about.

Fast forward 6 months, I left her. We had a toxic relationship and I stayed in it because I thought it could work out, but you helped me realize she is who she is and I deserved better!

Yeah, it’s not your job to fix people. It’s not your job to save them. You’ve got to participate in your own rescue. And all you can do is gently lead and guide people, but if they’re going to fall flat on their face and not follow through, it’s like, well, that’s on them. It’s not on you.

Like the guy that was crying about the gun post this morning on Instagram, I was like, I don’t care. Cry more. He’s an ignorant fool and knows nothing. He doesn’t know the first thing, he’s unqualified to open his mouth. He needs to sit down, shut up, listen and learn, and watch the documentaries that we did on the Second Amendment.

During the first break up I listened to your advice and tried to date other women. On my first date, I was fucking James Bond. I let her do most of the talking and asked her the right questions.

The quality of everything in your life is in direct proportion of the quality of the questions that you’re either asking yourself or the other people that you’re chatting with.

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I was flirty and confident. We had a few drinks and then drove around in the country a bit and parked by the lake at night. After making out for awhile, she told me she doesn’t have sex on the first night. I just kinda smirked and said, “okayyy.” I had her naked in the back of my 4Runner shortly after.

The 3% club, it works. Sorry, not sorry. Because as a coach, if you’re teaching self-reliance, your goal is to get people to the point where they don’t need you anymore. And sometimes when I do phone sessions with guys they’re like, “What about a package for ongoing coaching and doing more sessions? Do I get a discount for that?” I’m like, “No, you book sessions as you want them. I’m happy to help you as much or as little as you need. And my goal is to get you to a point where you don’t need me anymore.” That’s what a real coach does.

If you’re teaching self-reliance, you don’t want your clients all dependent on you and needing you. They might like to come back and watch, and continue to learn and keep their skills sharp, but if a big meteor came down and landed on my head, I want people to be able to continue on without me. That’s what self-reliance is all about. You must love in such a way that the person you love feels free, that means including your business, your life and your friendships. You give to people who deserve it, and if they embrace it and they grow because of it, awesome. If they don’t, that’s okay, too.

Last night was the first date I went on after leaving my ex. I had already kind of known this girl but never hung out with her, and I got a message from her saying “Hey, how are you?” We went back-and-forth for a couple messages, and I asked her if she would want to hang out sometime. She replied “yes,” and so I made a definite date and time and told her I’d pick her up then.

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She does not drink alcohol at all, so my choices were limited, and I thought ice-skating would be a good idea. It worked out well for me, because that was her first time ice-skating, and being the hockey player I have always been…

So, this a brilliant idea. Imagine how good of skaters hockey players are, and you’ve got a cute girl on a date that’s never been on ice skates. It’s like, she’s going to have her hands all over you. It makes it easy.

…we spent the time holding hands and talking while I made sure she did not fall on the ice.

Hang out, have fun, hook up.

I stuck through with my promise. She told me that night that she has never had a guy be so confident and just say “Okay, we’re gonna hang out on this day at this time and I’ll pick you up then.” She was extremely attracted. Long story short, We hung out had fun and hooked up that night.

Boy, that’s a real surprise.

I have watched hundreds of your YouTube videos, and I’m almost done reading How To Be A 3% Man. I am going to read it at least 10 to 15 times, because after listening to all of your advice and executing it, I have gotten extremely great results.

I guess you didn’t read my books as much as I thought you had. So, you were cherry picking from the videos. Don’t do that, because what happens is guys do exactly what you’re doing. You’re like, “Hey, I’m getting laid. I read the book once.” It’s like, “I’ve got this.” And then three or four months later, when they need all those relationship skills they didn’t bother to learn, and they didn’t bother to learn the process that was in here, they’re like, “Coach, I need an emergency phone session. Help!”

Photo by Radin

Don’t do it. Don’t be that guy. I get lots of phone sessions from them, and they pay me well, but it’s avoidable. But I’m happy to help people as much or as little as they need it.

All three girls that I talked about were 10 out of 10 bombshells, and it’s amazing how I had to do very little work and had them chasing me like crazy.

Because there’s so few men, real men in the world. Most of them are just fucking boys — little boys that don’t know anything about anything.

Thank you so much again for everything that you do. You are one of my heroes. You’re a real life “Hitch.”

Much love,


Well, congratulations Bob, and welcome to, well, I guess you can’t really officially be in the 3% club yet, even though you had a few success stories. Because you’ve got to get through the book, you’ve got to know all of the material. So, maybe I spoke too soon, but you’re doing great. Proud of you.

And so if you have a problem or a challenge in your personal or your professional life and you’d like to get my help, go to, click the Products tab at the top of your screen, and book a coaching session with yours truly.

“Attractive men do what they want, when they want and with whom they want. True alpha males answer to nobody. They are motivated by a core set of personal values, principles and a life’s work that is exciting and compelling to them. They set and enforce healthy boundaries and do not tolerate toxic or low integrity people. They are loyal friends, teammates and lovers. They make the world a safer and more stable place for everyone. They are funny, humble and are always looking for a reason to have fun and learn something. Even when things go sideways, they eventually always rebound and come out better and stronger on the other side of dark times.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne

Photo by Cojocari

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Coach Corey Wayne
Coach Corey Wayne

Written by Coach Corey Wayne

Life & Peak Performance Coach. I Teach Self-Reliance. Subscribe To My Newsletter To Read My eBooks “3% Man” & “Mastering Yourself” Free:

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